Today I opened the 10-kilo box of organic fruits and veggies that comes home every Thursday from Recapte and found a load of these beans. I thought it would be a fun collaborative task with the kids on a cloudy afternoon, and I was right, they loved it:
Okay so now I had this:
and no idea what to do with it. So I played it by ear with what I had at hand. Here's what I did:
Beans à la spring
Boil the beans about 10 min. Drain and set aside. Chop 1 onion finely. Heat some olive oil in a frying pan or wok. Sautée together with 4-5 spring garlics (aka green garlic, young garlic, baby garlic, and garlic shoots, much much milder than plain garlic, a bit like scallions, which can also be used here), and a pinch salt. After about 10 minutes add the beans and a dash of tamari and a few drops sesame oil. I also added some couscous to make the dish more complete and sprinkled some dry thyme on top.
This is the result, which we ate up happily after the team work:
maravilloso lo que estas cocinando para tus niños y grandes,variado y atractivo a la vista,supongo que perfume y sabor,acompañan consistentemente,me encanta,gra.